“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
Matthew 6:33 (NLT)
This Life is Complicated
An understatement if there ever was one. All human life since the fall of Adam and Eve has been complicated. When sin entered our world and our hearts, it complicated the beautifully simple relationship we once had with God. Creator and His creation. Father and child. Made into a world with no boundaries but one, which was as clear-cut and simple as it could be: Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When we failed to follow this, God made it simple for us once again: the Ten Commandments. Ten simple laws for us to follow, and we could be right with God. Yet because of the pervasiveness of sin, even these we could not keep. Over the course of time, Ten commandments turned into 613 (not including the laws humans made surrounding these commands). It seems like every step of the way, we are the ones who have made life more complicated than God originally intended it to be.
How much more complicated is life in 2022? COVID-19, war, politics, spirituality, religion, philosophy, morality, science, gender, sexuality, racism, social media, cancel culture, friendships, relationships, marriage, children, business, money, health both physical and mental, etc. That list never seems to end, you can insert whatever causes you stress and so much more. As Christians, it seems like all we can do sometimes is pray, but have you ever tried to pray about this list? I have, many times. It can begin to feel hopeless; “God, what do I do about this? Is there anything I CAN do about this? God, what do you think about this? Lord, what are YOU doing about this?” I’ve found myself in prayers like these countless times. Recently I’ve been reflecting on these prayers, and I’ve come to a realization in how God has always answered me.
It’s Simple
Every. Single. Time. Without fail, this is the Holy Spirit’s answer. It’s simple.
It is painfully obvious that it isn’t possible for us to follow 613 commandments to the letter. We had complicated our relationship with our Father to the point where it didn’t seem we had any hope of reconciliation. And on our own strength, there was no hope. Until God answered.
The virgin gave birth to a child, our Messiah, our Savior. Jesus, who is in fact God who came to earth to take on human life in all of its complexity, was God’s answer. Jesus fulfilled the Law that we could not. Jesus reconciled us to our Father with His own body and blood when we could not. Jesus brought simplicity back to our complicated existence as human beings corrupted by sin.
Whenever I read Jesus’ words and the lessons He taught that are recorded in Scripture, I am taken aback by how simple He makes life sound. As the Scriptures say, He taught with amazing authority. I would add that He taught with amazing simplicity as well. He gave simple solutions to complex human issues (the Law, anger, adultery, divorce, vows, revenge, giving, prayer, money, possessions, worry, judgment, etc. Read the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7), He brought simplicity to the Ten Commandments (see Matthew 22:34-40), and He gave us clear hope. There is one way to reach the Father, one narrow path for us to walk, one person to follow and abide in for the duration of our lives. It is all in and through Jesus, who has also given those who believe in Him the Holy Spirit; our Helper in this journey. Jesus has made life simple for us.
I am striving for simplicity. Not the “ignorance is bliss” simplicity of childhood, but the simplicity of Jesus. The simplicity of carrying my cross and following Him in obedience. The simplicity of loving others and expecting nothing in return. The simplicity of casting my burdens unto Him. The simplicity of seeking His Kingdom first, and letting Him take care of my needs. The simplicity of living this complicated human life in the abundant joy and hope that is found in Him. As followers of Jesus, our lives should be shockingly simple.
My encouragement to you who are reading these words right now: allow God to simplify your life. If you believe in Jesus, listen to the Holy Spirit that He has sent to us! Pray, ask, and listen to His guidance in your life. It won’t come without tremendous sacrifice and suffering, but I believe that God’s words are to be trusted. If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, my encouragement is the same. If you are looking for hope in this chaotic world, I believe it is in Him. Join me in striving for the simplicity of Jesus, and seeking Him above all else.
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing…But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!”
John 15:5,7 (NLT)