In Him All Things Hold Together: A Short Reflection and Poem on Colossians 1:16-17

In Him All Things Hold Together: A Short Reflection and Poem on Colossians 1:16-17

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” — Colossians 1:16-17 (ESV)

This is the Jesus; the Son of God, true God from true God, the Messiah. And this is His majesty. We have been delivered to the Kingdom of Christ, a Kingdom which contains all things good. For by the Son of God and for Him all things in all places in all times were created. All have their origin, their beginning, in Christ. All have their telos, their end and purpose, in Jesus. All are secondary to His preeminent glory. All are sustained by and dependent upon the Messiah for life and breath.

“In him all things hold together”…

I am but a man. And, admittedly, not a highly capable one at that. Things of this earth give me great anxiety: vehicle registration, event planning, public speaking, moving, school…not to mention things that matter like relationships! Some days I try to hold it all together and it feels as if I am hanging on to a single, bare thread. And if I can barely manage these simple things in life, how could I possibly hold anything higher? Things of God, heaven, and salvation are far beyond my capacity. I am weak. I want to give up. I cannot hold it all together.

Hallelujah, praise be to God!

Jesus holds all things together. In Him, I am held together. Only in King Jesus am I complete. And how good He is, that He offers me rest! He says to me, “My dear child, give Me your burdens and find rest in My presence and My arms.” My Good Shepherd, my Wonderful Counselor. In Him I can let go. I can be vulnerable. I no longer have to pretend. I do not have to hold my world together. Jesus does this, and I lay at His feet each day in love and awe.

I lay it all down, at Your feet I stay.

I give it all up, I need You every day.

Your grace, Your mercy, Your loving kindness.

I surrender to You, my King, and find true rest.

My soul cries out as my arms are failing.

I need a Savior who can hold all things.

My legs shake, my knees give out.

The burden is too great, and I begin to doubt.

But my God is able, and He loves me so.

By His blood I am free to live and hope forevermore!

In the arms of Jesus, I have no fear.

For my enemies lurk, but none may draw near.

Oh death, where is your sting?

I have been saved by Christ the King!

In Him, all things hold together.

So I will carry on, in His presence forever.

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